Image via TikTok
Over Pedro Pascal’s Starbucks order, people are going crazy.
The Mandalorian actor’s love of coffee has been revealed in a viral TikTok video. The 47-year-old actor is approached on the street by a fan who requests his autograph for a Mandalorian action figure in the video, which you can watch below.
“Daddy needs his coffee every morning to carry the entire world and a fandom over his shoulders,” the TikTok user captioned the clip.
Pascal ordered an iced quad espresso in a venti cup with additional ice and six shots as viewers zoomed in on the Starbucks cup he is holding. For comparison, one shot of espresso has 63 mg of caffeine, thus Pedro’s coffee contained close to 400 mg, which is around five or six cups of regular coffee’s worth.
The Last Of Us on HBO, which airs its Season 1 finale this Sunday, March 12, was another huge success for Pascal this year, even though he’s probably best known for his part in Disney’s The Mandalorian. In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, he discussed the post-apocalyptic series’ shooting process.
“I spent the last year shooting The Last of Us on HBO,” he said. “For some HBO shows you get to shoot in five-star Italian resorts surrounding by beautiful people. But I said, ‘No, that’s too easy.’ I want to shoot in a freezing Canadian forest while being chased around by a guy whose head looks like a genital wart.”
@alexafromspace Daddy needs his coffee every morning to carry the entire world and a fandom over his shoulders #pedropascal #pedropascalstarbucks #starbucksdrinks #pedropascaledit #zaddy #fyp #espressotiktok