Kodak Black arrested in Florida for alleged oxycodone pills possession



Police pulled Kodak Black over on Friday, and he was then detained when a search revealed 31 oxycodone pills and $74,960 in cash.


According to law enforcement officials quoted by TMZ, they saw what they thought to be unlawful window tints on the rapper’s Dodge Durango while it was being driven through Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. After allegedly smelling marijuana, officers stopped him and searched his vehicle. The cash and 31 oxycodone tablets were found during the search, and according to law enforcement sources, his license and tags were also expired.


He was afterwards transferred to the Broward County jail, where he was later charged with trafficking oxycodone and possessing a controlled narcotic without a prescription.


Kodak’s lawyer, Bradford Cohen, shared a statement following the arrest. “Never judge a case based on an arrest,” he wrote. “There are always additional facts and circumstances that give rise to a defense, especially in this case. We will get him a bond today and move forward with resolving the matter quickly.”