Kanye West’s Netflix documentary ‘jeen-yuhs’ Is Now a Trilogy, and It’ll Be Released in Theaters



Netflix released the first look at the Kanye West documentary in September, and it’s due to premiere in February. We can now understand what the streaming giant meant when it called it a “landmark documentary,” thanks to the magnitude of jeen-yuhs: Netflix and Iconic Events Releasing today announced a Kanye Trilogy. The documentary will span 20 years of the world-famous rapper’s life and career.

Jeen-yuhs will be a three-part event, as the name implies, bringing its significance to a whole new level. Three different films appear to be a suitable match for a documentary that spans two decades, since West’s contribution to music and culture, as well as his controversial character, are a touch too complicated for a short timeframe.

A Kanye Trilogy will also have a special premiere: jeen-yuhs The first half of the documentary will be shown at the virtual Sundance Film Festival later this month, according to Iconic Events Releasing. After that, on February 10th, the documentary’s first segment (dubbed “Act I”) will be released in theaters around the nation. Then, on February 16th, Netflix will stream jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy across three weeks.


When speaking about the decision to give the Kanye documentary an event and theatrical release, Steve Bunnell, CEO of Iconic Events Releasing stated that the story deserves as much attention as possible and is better experienced in a movie theater:

“For any fan or student of music today, this documentary is a must-see event and should be experienced in a movie theater with state-of-the-art sound systems. Through his work as a performer, producer, and entrepreneur, few artists or businessmen have had a greater impact on worldwide popular culture than Kanye West over the last twenty years. His musical brilliance is unmistakable and undeniable – he has become a magnet for so much that bears his influence. ‘jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy’ is a film that offers rare and compelling insight into his world, and we’re tremendously excited to be partnering with TIME Studios to be offering this special opportunity for audiences across the country to see this event.”