Cardi B makes surprise $100k donation to her former Bronx school



Tuesday, Cardi went to her middle school, I.S. 232, which is located in the Morris Heights area of the Bronx. Cardi surprised the school with a $100,000 donation after giving a speech to a group of enthusiastic youngsters and answering some of their questions.


“I’m extremely proud to be from the Bronx and I have lots of family and friends who live and work there still,” Cardi said. “So when I heard about the fire and all of the victims, I knew I needed to do something to help.”

She continued, “I was looking at some areas. The way that the prices soar up…like how are people surviving? I want to know. My family and my friends, they’re so grateful to have me, but it’s just like, what happens to people who don’t have a me?”


Back in 2019, Cardi took to Instagram to show her followers a taste of her life before being famous as the Bronx native browsed through her yearbook from middle school in 2006.


“In the beginning, I used to call myself Bacardi, that’s where I got Cardi B from,” Cardi shared while reading some of the comments left from her friends. “To Belcalis, you’re such a crazy and funny n***a. Good luck, you’re gonna be something big in the future,” read one. Cardi responded, “Bitch wasn’t lying.”